Friday, October 10, 2008

Are you registered?

So, I've spoken with a lot of friends, family members and people in general who say that they're not going to vote in this upcoming election...WHY? Why vote when the economy is going to shit and Afghanistan is going under? -- This is the most important election in decades.
Find out if you are registered.
Make sure you vote.

(And make sure you don't vote Republican...unless, of course, you want the world to go to shit.)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Dramatic Cat need sound for this..ideally..

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Tracks of My Tears

"People say I'm the life of the party 'cause I tell a joke or two.
Although I might be laughing loud and hardy, deep inside I'm blue"
-Smokey Robinson

One of the best songs ever created.

The body is a strange enterprise.

Keep in mind...there are exceptions to all rules.

Try rotating your right foot clockwise and then writing the number 6 with your left hand.
Your foot will most likely change direction.

Now try rotating your right foot clockwise and writing the number 6 in the air with your left hand.
Your foot will again, likely change direction.

This is because the left side of your brain controls the right side of your body, which is responsible for timing and rhythm. When the left side of your brain attempts to create two opposite movements at the same time it gets confused and tries to combine the movement into one single motion.

If you try this with your left foot and your right hand, you should have no problem!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Vicky Christina Barcelona

I saw it last nite. It was sooo good. You should see it.

Not enough sex in the far.
Sometimes it made me want to cream my pants
Other times...not so much.

What's her face -- Scarlett Johansson -- waste of space in the movie.
No facial expressions. No acting skills.
She looks like a bloated fish.

The random bursts of Spanish outrage made me die a little every time.
She really was the best part of the film.
Especially the first scene she's in where she refuses to speak English around the bloated fish.

See it.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Differences Between Manhattan and Brooklyn (Williamsburg esp.)

1. Being able to hail a cab from any corner vs. having to call a cab and hope it's not sketchy.

2. Being able to order food from a diner at 4am and then beer and cigarettes from a deli at 5 am.

3. Where are all the black people?

4. NYU hipsters vs. Williamsburg hipsters

5. Waiting 10 minutes mid track on the L to go one stop into Brooklyn.

6. People walk significantly slower in Brooklyn.

7. Black clothes and leather vs. brightly colored sweater vests from salvation army and sweatbands.

8. Dive bars with cheap liquor vs. Pretentious artsy bars with expensive PBR

9. Delivery weed services at your door under an hour vs. Your friend who wants to get rid of his old stash.

10. Living in a cardboard box for $1000 a month near Bedford vs. Living in a cardboard box downtown for $2000.

Things That Make A Person Stupid

1.Constantly referring to a philosopher that you obviously haven't read because you can't pronounce the name in the attempt to sound intellectual.

2. Responding to text messages 15 HOURS LATER to appear busy and "cool"-- even though you have you cellphone in your hand while you sleep.

3. Being deeply passionate about anything that's on MTV today -- it's just not healthy.

4. (I think I've said enough)

5. Referring to yourself in the third person -- especially in bed.

6. Devoting yourself to some indie rock band that has a name similar to "Pink Pony Exercise Function" with a band member who plays the electric cello.

7. Insisting that American Apparel and Urban Outfitters are stupid yet secretly shopping there all the time.

8. Becoming born again then smoking tons of pot and having gratuitous sex with random people.

9. Enjoying Sarah Palin in any way, shape, or form.

10. Insisting that you're not gay but having multiple gay experiences.

First Words....

OK. So last nite I was telling my friend a story about how when I was 15 I almost got arrested for stealing the most retarded thing in a store...(tape that goes into the dispenser for a machine that I didn't have similar to a p-touch)...and she said to me "Erica! You need to start a blog. And you should write about how ridiculous Williamsburg is and tell everybody your insane stories"
And I thought to myself...hmm...what a great and lovely way to waste my time and entertain myself...OK!
So here it is.
The blog to end all blogs.

No, not really.

Primarily, I will be writing about my new location, and how it is a glorified hipster college campus...and coming from a Bard Graduate...that's saying a lot.
It's funny how ever since I graduated I found it VERY difficult to find people who lived in the city who were...FROM THE CITY!!! IMAGINE THAT! Instead I find hipsters running around with their heir of snobbery and discontent with life, pretending they're from Brooklyn because they've lived here for maybe 3 months.'s annoying. I walk around Bedford and N 7th and I throw up in my mouth a little. But granted, I did move here, and it's INSANELY close to where I work, so fuck it. And my roommate's great, so the hell with it.

Anyway, that's the brief synopsis. It's sunday and it's raining so you know what that means (or at least anybody whos my friend knows what I'll be doing today.)....
