Sunday, September 28, 2008

Differences Between Manhattan and Brooklyn (Williamsburg esp.)

1. Being able to hail a cab from any corner vs. having to call a cab and hope it's not sketchy.

2. Being able to order food from a diner at 4am and then beer and cigarettes from a deli at 5 am.

3. Where are all the black people?

4. NYU hipsters vs. Williamsburg hipsters

5. Waiting 10 minutes mid track on the L to go one stop into Brooklyn.

6. People walk significantly slower in Brooklyn.

7. Black clothes and leather vs. brightly colored sweater vests from salvation army and sweatbands.

8. Dive bars with cheap liquor vs. Pretentious artsy bars with expensive PBR

9. Delivery weed services at your door under an hour vs. Your friend who wants to get rid of his old stash.

10. Living in a cardboard box for $1000 a month near Bedford vs. Living in a cardboard box downtown for $2000.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree withyou and I think we need to combine the goods of both and create pur own borough