Sunday, September 28, 2008

Things That Make A Person Stupid

1.Constantly referring to a philosopher that you obviously haven't read because you can't pronounce the name in the attempt to sound intellectual.

2. Responding to text messages 15 HOURS LATER to appear busy and "cool"-- even though you have you cellphone in your hand while you sleep.

3. Being deeply passionate about anything that's on MTV today -- it's just not healthy.

4. (I think I've said enough)

5. Referring to yourself in the third person -- especially in bed.

6. Devoting yourself to some indie rock band that has a name similar to "Pink Pony Exercise Function" with a band member who plays the electric cello.

7. Insisting that American Apparel and Urban Outfitters are stupid yet secretly shopping there all the time.

8. Becoming born again then smoking tons of pot and having gratuitous sex with random people.

9. Enjoying Sarah Palin in any way, shape, or form.

10. Insisting that you're not gay but having multiple gay experiences.

1 comment:

jflo said...

HAHAHAHA. Um, we came up with that electric cello think late one night on the L train, but our band name was the Purple Stickers, or something like that.